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v0.22.3 (Mar 16, 2023)
v0.17.1 (Dec 12, 2022)

What is Daytracer?

Daytracer is a desktop productivity application for time tracking and time organization. It is intended to help Freelancers track time into projects to easily generate invoices to send to clients; making the tedious task of invoicing a seamless process.

Daytracer also acts as a productivity tool for creators by allowing them to review their app usage and helping them find their most productive focused hours in the day.


showing weekly view showing app usage showing project view


  • Automatic time tracking of what apps you used
  • Runs in the background
  • Organize your time into projects
  • Annotate your time by describing what you did
  • Sync data to mulitple devices

Demo Video

...loading youtube video

How it started

This idea started after my dissatisfaction from trying multiple paid time tracking software; I always felt like the competition had magical aggregations which resulted in inaccurte total times compared to when I tracked it manually. And as a freelancer, time tracking and invoicing were the most time consuming parts of the job, but was essential to getting paid.

So I built Daytracer since I can trust its time tracking without any odd aggregations, and to streamline my task logging process. In the future it will be able to generate PDF invoices to send to clients.

Privacy Concerns

I want to emphasize that Daytracer is conscious of your privacy. We only store the name of the app you are using, we do not save any website info and we do not track any keystrokes. Our tracking works by checking what app you are using every 10 seconds. We will consider you idle if your mouse cursor is in the same position for more than 3 minutes. And we will automatically resume tracking once you move your mouse.

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